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Warehouse & Distribution Centers

Lighting often makes up to 70% of the total energy costs of a D.C. or warehouse. The annual cost of lighting maintenance in a 100,000 ft² warehouse over the past five years is an average of $5,000.00.

Today, our advanced lighting control solutions last up to 10-times longer than legacy fluorescent tube lighting and reduce lighting costs by an average of 75%. A lighting system that lasts 10-times longer provides many benefits, but think of maintenance-free lighting for 50-years. Is this really possible? Yes, Energy Design Engineers are installing these systems today for many clients throughout the Midwest.

Our DC & Warehouse clients see a 70 - 90% energy reduction using advanced lighting controls, versus the 30 - 40% other companies provide by installing LED fixtures alone. Energy Design Engineers educate our clients on the actual cost of lighting and the cost of ownership. While some lighting solutions are less expensive upfront, their energy savings are considerably less (often 30 - 40% less). Over a 10-year period, we’ve found that with many of our clients, advanced lighting controls saved them an additional $200,000.00 or more.

Don't let anyone confuse you by telling you that lighting controls are an LED fixture with a motion sensor. The LED fixture saves approximately 30 - 40% of energy over legacy fluorescent lighting. How is it that the advanced lighting controls can save up to an additional 60%?

  • 20% - 30% savings comes from the heatmap showing the facility occupancy and making adjustments according to the facility's usage patterns.

  • 10 - 20% for scheduling the lighting systems for holidays, weekends, shift changes, and holidays all provide significant savings when you add it up over the year.

  • 20% for task tuning, adjusting the light levels according to the task. The loading dock areas generally require more light than the racking aisles.

  • 10 - 15% from the occupancy sensor and fine-tuning

  • 20% for task tuning, adjusting the light levels according to the task. The loading dock areas generally require more light than the racking aisles.

  • 10 - 15% from the occupancy sensor and fine-tuning

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